Ozone hole reaches record size : 3 times larger than Brazil, scientists warn of environmental impact - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel (news.google.com)
TIL people who work at U.S. nuclear power plants are exposed to less radiation than what is given off by the granite walls inside the U.S. Capitol Building (www.pbs.org)
The body of a 150 million-year-old sea monster is hidden under a British cliff, says a scientist. Time is running out to find it. (www.businessinsider.com)
California clean energy industry rocked with widespread jobs losses, bankruptcies, following state’s dismantling of rooftop solar program (www.ewg.org)
Google’s Android app store monopoly violates antitrust law, jury finds | Epic Games scores major court win; judge will decide remedies next month (arstechnica.com)
Tesla could still sue Cybertruck owners if they flip their vehicles too soon / The automaker has reportedly added back the controversial clause against resellers (www.engadget.com)
Tesla again threatens to sue Cybertruck buyers who try to resell the cars | Clause deleted from public version of terms is in the contract sent to buyers. (arstechnica.com)
I really can't get my head around Berkeleyen idealism, could somebody help me understand how we can have the same experience of something without there being a unique thing to prompt my experience? (www.reddit.com)
Among opponents of just war theory, do any accept jus as bellum (there are just causes) but reject jus in bello (but real wars can never be waged justly)? (www.reddit.com)
I'm Dr. Jim Ambuske, creator of the podcast Worlds Turned Upside Down, and a historian of the American Revolution. AMA about the coming of the American Revolution! (www.reddit.com)
To what end do feminists believe abortion-criminalizing voters want to "control women" and why do they often conflate questioning this narrative with condoning their policy? (www.reddit.com)
Kate Cox’s quote of how she “never thought she’d be in this situation” made me think of women who become pro-choice only when they themselves need an an abortion. (www.reddit.com)
Ozone hole reaches record size : 3 times larger than Brazil, scientists warn of environmental impact - The Daily Galaxy --Great Discoveries Channel (news.google.com)
CEO of IBM and Chairman of Red Hat telling how they force executives to meet racial quotas in hiring. "if you lose, you lose part of your bonus.” "I could name multiple leaders ... that were held accountable to the point they are no longer with Red Hat". (twitter.com)